SO INTERESTING TO NOTE: Modern philosophies and theories abound regarding our conscience, sub-conscience,  and behavior.  We frequently use terms like 'body, mind and spirit,' and 'heart and soul,' but deep down are left to wonder where does each one of those really start and the other begin? What about emotions? Thoughts? Our will? To the best of my ability, I have organized these resources in a way that best aligns with the biblical perspective on thoughts, emotions, and the Holy Spirit. 


A dock with rope and a wooden post

Coronavirus and Christ: A Letter From John Piper

"...Well, I’m going to try to answer the question that was asked — “How do you make sense of this? How do you get understanding?” — with an open Bible in front of me. But before I do, let me just say I have misgivings, because I make a distinction between helping people get ready to suffer by making sense of biblical teaching about suffering — that’s one thing. And then another thing is physically, emotionally embodying that theology in the moment when somebody is suffering. And we’ve got thousands of people now who are dying, which means hundreds of thousands of people who are grieving. And what I’m about to say might not be well-timed in some of their lives, because if I were on the ground, in a church, I would be discerning whether there’s a time to speak here or not. ..." ~ John Piper

Think On? | Tony Evans

I understand the desire to watch your thoughts float on by but may I encourage you to do just the opposite. Engage and be active with your thoughts ~ in fact, "take them captive and make them obedient to Christ."  2 Corinthians 10:3-6
"Where you set your mind is so important because what you set your mind on will penetrate and dominate your thinking." ~ Tony Evans


A close up of some pink flowers on a tree

Keeping a Pure Conscience | John MacArthur

Researchers can't agree on the actual number of how many emotions one can feel. We, as humans, often have a hard time identifying them, let alone communicate about them. Feverishly, throughout our day, our heart/consciences is trying to speak to us. Whether it is anger, sadness or guilt, our consciences can get clouded and even seared. John MacArther reminds us that — "you have every resource to keep a healthy, sensitive, and pure conscience".

What Are You Waiting For? | Karen McMahon

"For the believer, waiting is not a random act of rotating planets, but a direct and intentional time set by a sovereign God. God works for those who wait for Him. Waiting is a vital virtue of the Christian life and if we are struggling in our wait, we need to find out what is happening in our heart." ~ Karen McMahon

Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.

~ Psalm 33:20-22

The Beauty of our Emotions | Bob Kellemen

"When it comes to emotions, we seem disposed to extremes, even in the Christian world. Some of us act as if emotions are a result of the Fall, so we stuff them or ignore them. Others of us act as if emotions are king, and we allow them to rule us."   ~ Bob Kellemen
Can you find the beauty in them???


A book open to the pages of an old bible.

The Holy Spirit is Your Helper | Paul Tautges

"You are never alone. Never. Ever. If you are a Christian, then God is always with you. More than that, He is in you through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit." ~ Paul Tautges

What Is the Difference between the Soul and the Spirit? | Bibles for America

As clear of summary as I could find on this...Savvy living involves living inside out according to the circle diagrams in this article. One only needs to surrender 😉 Accept the free gift that cost you everything. Most excellent quick read.

The Human Spirit: The Residence of the Holy Spirit | Bibles for America

Hope this helps simplify one of the sacred mysteries of faith.
"The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you all."
2 Tim 4:22